Why is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are So Important?

         It matters greatly that you know the answers to these questions. It will help you understand and believe. But these things are not all you need to know. These questions and answers are just to get your attention and help you realize how much you don’t think about God or Jesus on a daily basis.  Then you may appreciate the things God does do for you.


  1. Who made you? God thru Jesus. Do not Forsake Him.
  2. Who will give you the whole armor of faith for your salvation? Jesus and Jesus only. God appointed Him to be over the Heavens and the Earth. Jesus is your friend, the one who takes your sins before God the Father to get forgiveness, Jesus is your teacher and the one who will bring you to Salvation if you sincerely accept Him as your Lord and Savior. Jesus was appointed by God to bring the elect children (all of them He selected) to heaven and not lose even one.
  3. Who will give you the whole armor of God for your protection? Jesus
  4. Who do you not accept substitutes for! God, Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
  5. Whose will Does Jesus seek? God the Father (Jn. 5:30; 6:38)
  6. Who said: I always do the things that please Him (Jn. 8:29).Jesus
  7. Do you believe in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit? If not, then you do not believe in God!(Isaiah48:16; John 1:14-16) and vice versa.
  8. Do you believe God is the Father of Jesus Christ (Luke 1:35; Colossians 1:15-18; Matt. 3:16-17). You should, if you want to get to God’s heaven.
  9. Who is the foundation for man on Earth and in Heaven? Jesus (1 Corinthians 3:11)
  10. Who raised Jesus up from the grave and then 40 days later up into the clouds as His Apostles watched?God thru The Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:9-11)
  11. Does Jesus set at the right hand of God the Father? Yes. Jesus had previously lived with God all His life. Then God sent Jesus to Earth. Jesus arrived on Earth as a Baby born to Mary and Joseph. After Jesus was crucified, dead and buried, 3 days later He was raised from the grave by God through the Holy Spirit. Then 40 days later God thru The Holy Spirit raised Jesus up into the clouds. He brought Jesus to God’s Mountain and God sat Him on the throne at His right-hand side.
  12. But the most important question is, why did God send Jesus to Earth? Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit and Jesus was born on Earth. God sent Jesus for a number of reasons, to become the Lord and Savior of all those who believe in Him, to teach and preach to His apostles about the New Testament and have them ready tostart the church 50 days after His death on the cross.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  13. Why is The Holy Spirit so important? Because He is the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit receives requests from God the Father and Jesus (who is God the Son), He helps Jesus do the work requested from God, He teaches, He answers prayers and sends them to either God or Jesus, He will be your best friend after You receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, He is the one who will decide what special gift will be given to you. At the request of God, The Holy Spirit and Jesus made the Heavens and the Earth and all that is on them. These are only a few of the many things the Holy Spirit does for God, Jesus and you.
  14. I saved the best for last? Who is God? God is your Heavenly Father. He is the one who puts the soul into the egg with the sperm and causes it to grow into the man or woman that you are. God gave Jesus and the Holy Spirit some of His powers and wisdom and instructed them to create the Heavens and the Earth according to His instruction and everything that is on them or in the seas. God controls everything that was made. If you sincerely accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior then God will accept you and have you brought to live in His heaven. This is only a smidgen of the things God has accomplished, is now accomplishing and will accomplish in the future for His children


Please note, that because of the things that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit has accomplished they will continue to look after these things and keep them in good order until God is finished with them.

The main reason God has created, re-created and maintains the Earth is because He wants a large family. He considers all His elect children to be kings and Priests in the after life for eternity. It is beyond mankind’s imagination to know or understand what good things God has in store for us in His New Heaven.

God has given everyone including humans and angels on earth and in heaven the right to become an elect child of His and to share in all the blessings He has given to Jesus. God will not make you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and no one else can make this decision for you. You will have to make the decision on your own. If you have questions you should go to a christian preacher or someone you know and trust to be a Christian to help you.

After you accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit will come into your body and be your best friend and help you with many different things. Then you are considered an elect child of God. Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit will guide you through the steps of Salvation.

You must be holy to enter God’s heaven. Therefore, if or when you (an elect child of God) do sin, you should go to a private place, get on your knees if possible and then go to Jesus in prayer and admit your sin(s) and ask for forgiveness. Then Jesus will go before God the Father and ask for your sins to be forgiven. By doing that, you will keep yourself Holy.  If you choose not to do these things, then God could have your name taken out of the Book of Life at some point. That would take away your elect child status and at death your soul would receive a permanent spiritual body that will not die but is not as good as the one the elect children and Jesus received. Then at judgement time you would be sent to the Lake of Burning Fire and Brimstone, where it is hot and pitch black to live in agony and frustration for eternity. This is a terrible choice because God will not hear your pleas. That means you will not have any chance to ever get out of there for Eternity!!!!

Jesus is the only way to God’s heaven.

God gave Jesus the duty to take care of all things on earth and in heaven. He is the same Jesus who died on the cross so God would forgive all the sins of everyone on earth. Then anyone who sincerely repents of all their sins and believes in Jesus can become an elect child of God. The only way God could find a way to forgive everyone of their sins without showing preferential treatment to His Son was to trade His life for all the sins of everyone who believes in Him. For Jesus to give His life is the ultimate thing He could do for us. Therefore, God who is holy could remain Holy and be able to receive His holy children into His heaven.

Jesus’ leaving was profitable and beneficial (the meaning of the Gr. sympherei, here rendered good). Without His departing (which included His death, burial, resurrection, and Ascension) there would have been no gospel. Atonement for sins is necessary for Jesus to save His people from their sins (Matt. 1:21). Jesus was and is a Holy person, but He died for us so God would forgive our sins and make us holy also, so we could be in heaven with Him.

         Quite a story isn’t it, but it is not a story, it is a very small portion of the true accounting of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Believe it or not this is just a smidgen of the lives of God and His children. But it makes you aware of what you need to do if you want to live with God in His Heaven for eternity and to share in all the gifts He gave to His Son, Jesus Christ.



In order to grow spiritually we must be rooted in Jesus Christ that Christ may dwell in your hearts through your faith, that you being rooted and grounded in love will know the love of Christ. Also, that you may grow to maturity through the milk of God’s Word.

Love God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul. Also, love your neighbor as you love yourself.

God is testing us every day and has given us the right to make our own choices. Do you know which ones are the right choices in God’s mind?

Fear God, love God, honor God, and trust God with all your heart, mind and soul and you will receive and experience the joy of the promises of God’s blessings in His time. And always remember to ask the Father for His help and guidance in all things.


Prayer:   Father, we are grateful for Your Son our risen Christ and Your Spirit. We praise You for the opportunity to glorify Your Son and live with Him forever. We also praise you for the opportunity to be able to choose Jesus as our Lord and Savior and to be elect children of Yours. We praise you for the laws You have set down to teach us, to keep our lives in harmony, to learn how to treat others and how to live within your boundaries. Please bless those who have read this article for they too are seeking Your righteous truth, love, wisdom and understanding.

Father, I pray these brothers and sisters have or will come to realize that Your existence is a treasure of grace and love that You have for all Your elect children.

May God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Christianity be our guiding lights for eternity. Let it be Your will Lord not mine. Please come Lord Jesus.

I pray in Jesus sweet name and to His glory through the power of The Holy Spirit,


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